We Guide You to Solutions for Your Everyday Problems

Who We Are
Healthy Generations Area Agency on Aging, formerly Rappahannock Area Agency on Aging, is one of more than 600 Area Agencies on Aging in the United States. Healthy Generations assists in addressing issues as they pertain to the needs of older persons and their families. Healthy Generations provides both direct and contracted services in the George Washington Planning District (PD16) including the City of Fredericksburg and Counties of Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania, and Stafford, Virginia. The mission of the staff, Board of Directors, and Advisory Council of Healthy Generations is to enhance the quality of life for all older citizens. Healthy Generations provides home and community based services to support the continued independence, safety, and health and wellness of our senior population.

Mobility Options
For information on other transportation resources please see the Transportation Resources Guide.
Senior Resources Directory
Companion Aide Listing
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News & Updates

Deaf or hard of hearing community members please contact us using 711 – VA Relay.